People of Ethiopia
All the languages spoken in Ethiopia fall into four main language groups: Semitic, Cushitic, Omotic and Nilo-Saharan.
Semitic languages are related to both Hebrew and Arabic, and derive from Ge'ez, the ecclesiastical language. Amharic, the most important of these is also the official language of the state. Most Semitic languages speakers, to them belong the Amhara, Tigray, Oromo, Guraginya and Adarinya, live in the highlands in the center and the north of Ethiopia. The Tigray and Amhara are mainly agriculturalists, tilling the soil with ox-drawn plows and growing teff, the main grain in Ethiopia.Highlanders use heavy cloth capes and wraparound blankets to combat the night chill. National dress is usually worm on festivals and church days, when streets and meeting places are transformed into a sea of white, as finely woven cotton dresses, decorated with colored woven borders are worn. Women of Amhara and Tigray wear dozens of plaits called Sherubal, tightly braided to the head.
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